
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "you've" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "you've" delivered 83 verses in 41 songs on 17 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "you've" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: Killing The Dragon

6. Push

You've ridden on a carousel
So you know the feeling
As the ring slips through your fingers

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

1. Wild One

You say you've never seen the light before
Does anyone believe you
Don't let them hear you say anymore
Nothing's really safe around here

You've got two in the bushes
One in the hand
They'd make you over
But they can't understand you
You're always gonna be the wild one

You've got two in the bushes
One in the hand
They'd make you over
But they can't understand you
You're always gonna be the Wild One

2. Born On The Sun

You - you're burning higher
You've got the fire
You were born on the sun

Dio: Master Of The Moon

8. I Am

I think I'm through with just pretending
Knocking at the door that I've been through before
Congratulations, at last you've seen my light
Now it's you against the night
I think I'm never coming after, after all
Now I've become the cat who always lets you know that
I am, I am, stronger than the wind
I am, I am sin
I am, I am, stronger without you
I am

I think I'm way outside illusion
Breaking down the door that locked me in before
Congratulations, now that you've seen my light
After all
And when I become the cat, I'll always let you know that

9. Death By Love

Don't ask why
Don't even think about it
Brave men die but what a way to go
You've got symptoms of
Death by love
She's not above
Death by love

Dio: Sacred Heart

1. The King Of Rock And Roll

He makes a special magic
And you've got control
You are the King of Rock and Roll

2. Sacred Heart

You can see tomorrow
The answer and the lie
And the things you've got to do

Oh, sometimes you never fall
And ah - You're the lucky one
But oh - Sometimes you want it all
You've got to reach for the sun

6. Like The Beat Of A Heart

You've got to try
Cause the future's never never gonna die

Dio: Strange Highways

4. Hollywood Black

Same story, different eyes
Here's where the hero never, never dies
Can't you tell
That all the wishes you've made
Have filled up the well

9. Blood from a stone

Oh, you've been surprised again
Pulled like a leaf to the waterfall
Everybody's just pretending
I thought that you'd learn by now

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