
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "seen" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "seen" delivered 31 verses in 25 songs on 15 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "seen" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: Strange Highways

4. Hollywood Black

Came to the sunset scene
To find out who's inside of me
Some lies I've never seen
But this one lies on the silver screen
In between real and dream
Like a scream

Dio: The Last In Line

9. Egypt (The Chains Are On)

You've seen them walking on the water
You've seen flying through the sky
They were frightening in the darkness
They had rainbows in their eyes

Kerry Livgren: Seeds Of Change

To Live For The King

The rising of the sun
Is seen by everyone
And no-one can deny that it's real
And when you hear the call
Come crashing through the wall
You just can't doubt the things that you feel

Rainbow: Rising

3. Starstruck

Creeping like a hungry cat
I've seen her before
I know it can mean that

She's creeping like a hungry cat
I've seen her before
I know I can mean that

She's creeping like a hungry cat
I've seen her before
I know it can mean that

Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow

8. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves

No more night
We have seen the light
Let it shine on bright
Hang him higher, higher

No more night
we've seen the light
let it shine on bright

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