
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "nowhere" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "nowhere" delivered 17 verses in 12 songs on 11 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "nowhere" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: The Last In Line

4. I Speed At Night

My demons, they seem to disappear
No vision, I only see to hear
Protection, I never needed none
Direction, just nowhere near the sun
You've go some stairs to heaven, you may be right
I only know in my world, I hate the light

Roger Glover's Butterfly Ball

1. Sitting In A Dream

I'm just passing time before the Ball
Playing my guitar
I don't have to be where I don't want to be at all
Maybe I'll go far
Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
Ah, in a dream

Sitting in a landscape full of sighs
Dream away the day
Making up a tune about the blueness of the skies
This is where I'll stay
Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
Oh, in a dream

Watching as a red and white balloon
Sails across my mind
In between the images that drift along my tune
Smile as they unwind
Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
Ah, in a dream

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