
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "make" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "make" delivered 90 verses in 52 songs on 21 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "make" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

10. Why Are They Watching Me

He was ready to push and shove
Ready to fight for love
But I've seen it before
And it can make you crazy
The eyes are what you see

Are you ready for rock and roll
Ready to take control
If you see the eyes
Will it make you crazy - crazy

Dio: Master Of The Moon

1. One More For The Road

Cold day
We can make a fire
Burn another liar
Can witches ever die?
Hey let's burn
One more for the road
Oh gimme the same again
One more for the road

2. Master Of The Moon

Turn around and when you face the sun
We can make you be like everyone you know
Hey you, you're just master of the moon

Turn around and when you face the sun
We can make you be like everyone you know
Hey you, master of the moon

We can shake you make you over
We just need some time to
Shed some light upon your darkness
We need your mind

Turn around and when you face the sun
We can make you be like everyone you know
I'll turn away and never face the sun
You'll never make me be like you
I'm master of the moon

3. The End Of The World

Don't make wishes
Don't waste time
Call the ones you hate
You'd say I'm sorry but they'll have to wait
For the end of the world
Bye bye bye bye bye bye

4. Shivers

Fingers scratching blackboards
Make cowards of the brave
A natural reaction
From the cradle to the grave

Rats and bats and spiders
And little things that crawl
Never make me tremble
I'm not bothered, not at all

6. The Eyes

Oh no, they've done it again
Sending out the detectives
Searching for signs of life and that means me
In my invisible dreams when no one is watching
I'd make the whole world blind and I'd be free

7. Living The Lie

He was only dedicated to the ones who make the law
But they burned with too much fire
And his heart was made of straw

Dio: Sacred Heart

1. The King Of Rock And Roll

He makes a special magic
And you've got control
You are the King of Rock and Roll

5. Hungry For Heaven

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

6. Like The Beat Of A Heart

Don't look behind
Cause a tear that never dies
Can only make you blind

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