
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "know" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "know" delivered 153 verses in 92 songs on 25 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "know" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: Dream Evil

3. Sunset Superman

A shadow without a name
But when he wakes up in the morning
He just won't know
Was he a hero
Trying to hide his burning heart
Before somebody cuts it all away

5. Naked In The Rain

Two faces
On fire
No traces
Something has swallowed the night
You know that nothing can make it all right

7. I Could Have Been A Dreamer

I am everybody
And everyone that I know is me
Everyone that I know won't see

I'm another number
And you know the numbers must agree
But everytime the wind blows
I can't fly - why?

9. When A Woman Cries

Just when you think it's pretend
Here it comes over and over again
And if we should live forever
Maybe we'll still just never know

Dio: Holy Diver

1. Stand Up And Shout

You've been nailed to the wheel
But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all

2. Holy Diver

Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean

Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen

4. Caught In The Middle

Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river in you flow

Flying away int the clouds
You know you're loosing your control
Finding you way in the dark
Like some poor forgotten soul

Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river I know that's in you flow

5. Don't Talk To Strangers

Hey you, you know me, you've touched me, I'm real
I'm forever the one that lets you look and see and
Feel me
I'm danger - I'm the stranger

6. Straight Through The Heart

Living in a world of make believe
I can hide behind what's real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you feel

7. Invisible

He was just eighteen and in-between
A lady and a man
His daddie's girl in momma's world
And that was when he ran
You know the word confused has been abused
But that's just what he was
And then the spark inside the dark
The answer came because it said

You can go away
Lord you know it's right to leave here
So I just become invisible

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