
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "fly" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "fly" delivered 36 verses in 25 songs on 15 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "fly" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Elf: Trying To Burn The Sun

7. Wonderworld

I am the sky
Help you to fly
Catch your wind
It's love I bring
I'm everything

Rainbow: Long Live Rock 'N' Roll

5. Kill The King

Danger, danger the Queen's about to kill
There's a stranger, stranger and life about to spill
Oh no move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king
Tear him down

Power, power it happens every day
Power, devour all along the way
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm
And fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king

Treason, treason, the spectre looms again
Treason, reason, the realm is safe and then
Oh no, move away from harm
I need a spell and a charm
Fly like the rainbow
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on

Rainbow: Rising

1. Tarot Woman

Like a carousel
And cast a magic spell
You can fly, fly

3. Starstruck

I could fly to the moon
But she soon find me and wait me there
I never knew for a while as smile made me really care

5. Stargazer

In the heat and the rain
With the whips and chains
To see him fly
So many die
We built a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
Just to see him fly
But don't know why
Now where do we go?

In the heat and the rain
With the whips and chains
Just to see him fly
Too many die
We built a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly
But we don't know why
Ooh, now where do we go

In heat and rain
With the whips and chains
To see him fly
So many died
We built a tower of stone
With our flesh and bone
To see him fly

But why
In all the rain
With all the chains
Did so many die
Just to see him fly

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