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Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

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The search results for "because" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "because" delivered 50 verses in 33 songs on 17 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "because" as keywords

Up to 10 titles are displayed on one page.

Here are the matching verses:

Dio: Angry Machines

11. This Is Your Life

Who cares what came before
We were only starlight
One day, then nevermore
Because we're whispers in the wind

Dio: Holy Diver

5. Don't Talk To Strangers

Don't talk to strangers
'Cause they're only there to do you harm
Don't write in starlight
'Cause the words may come out real

Don't hide in doorways
You may find the key that opens up your soul
Don't go to heaven
'Cause it's really only hell

Don't smell the flowers
They're an evil drug to make you lose your mind
Don't dream of women
'Cause they only bring you down

Don't dance in darkness
You may stumble and you're sure to fall
Don't write in starlight
'Cause the words may come out real

Don't talk to strangers [Don't talk to strangers]
'Cause they're only there to make you sad
Don't dream of women
'Cause they'll only bring you down

7. Invisible

He was just eighteen and in-between
A lady and a man
His daddie's girl in momma's world
And that was when he ran
You know the word confused has been abused
But that's just what he was
And then the spark inside the dark
The answer came because it said

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

5. Night Music

When you move to the rhythm of shadows
You can hide from the heat of the sun
'Cos If you dance to the beat of the darkness
You burn before the fire's begun

8. Walk On Water

If you believe it, it's no lie
And there is an end to summer
'Cause the winter makes it die

9. Twisted

'Cause he was twisted (you could see it)
He was twisted, all right

He was the fortunate one
He could have pulled the trigger
But he couldn't get the gun
They told him that he was blind
He didn't understand
'Cause he could see them inside

It was a matter of time
They told me I was guilty
So I thought I did the crime
I never learned how to cry
And when I told the truth
They were sure it was a lie
Sure that I would cry
Sure of it
Sure of it 'cause I'm so

Dio: Magica

7. Eriel

I have been father and son
I cry for children of the night
Just because tears have begun
Beware of quiet voices
Thunder comes from silence - I am light

Dio: Master Of The Moon

6. The Eyes

Oh no, they're at it again, looking inside my secrets
Coming through the cracks before I mend the wall
Get out 'cause you're breaking the law
How did you ever find me?
Places I can hide can't get much smaller

Magic numbers, even sacrifice, I can't find a way
'Cause nothing stops the eyes

9. Death By Love

One spell from the wishing well
And you're never more
A bad start for the sacred heart
'Cause the end has come before the beginning

10. In Dreams

Oh don't go
No don't dare
'Cause the journey drives you mad before you get there
Help me
Oh save me
I'll be glad to give you back the hand you gave me

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