
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyrikdrache

Das Wörterbuch des Lyrischen Drachen

Der Lyrische Drache kennt praktisch jedes Wort, das Ronnie James Dio gesungen hat.

Alle 2649 dem Drachen bekannten Wörter anzuzeigenwürde eine entsetzliche Antwortzeit bedeuten.Hier gibt es Wortlisten für alle Wörter, die mit einem der folgenden Buchstaben beginnen:

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Die Suchergebnisse für "run" befinden sich unterhalb des Drachensees!

Die Suche nach "run" erbrachte 52 Strophen in 30 Titeln auf 18 Platten.
Der Drache suchte nach folgenden Kriterien: "run" als Schlüsselwörter

Es werden maximal 10 Titel pro Seite angezeigt.

Hier sind die passenden Strophen:

Dio: Holy Diver

9. Shame On The Night

You don't care what you've done
So I think I'd better run

You don't care what you've done
So I know I'd better run

You don't care what you've done
Here I go I've got to run

Dio: Killing The Dragon

2. Along Comes A Spider

Suddenly the world has no more changes
You've run with an evil woman
So it's all right
No more strangers' candy lies
The light is so much better for your eyes

10. Cold Feet

The same old shadow on the run
That's no shadow, it's your shadow's son

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

2. Born On The Sun

You - you're made of fire
Never higher
You were made to run

Dio: Magica

8. Challis

Like a spark in the fire
Dust in the sand
Like a stone in the water
I'm gonna Run with the devil's daughter

9. As Long As It's Not About Love

Oh the last time we touched with our eyes
And the magic was stronger than the heart
I can't run away with my heart - so
Lay beside me now and tell me lies
As Long As They're Not About Love

12. Magica - Reprise

And the games go on
With a warning to the Bishop from the pawn
No one sees an angel till it smashes to the ground
And then you run somewhere
And leave it lying there

Dio: Master Of The Moon

6. The Eyes

I've run as fast as I can
Thinking that they'll never catch me
What a waste of breath, a waste of time

Dio: Sacred Heart

2. Sacred Heart

You run along the rainbow
And never leave the ground
And still you don't know why

And find the Sacred Heart
Somewhere bleeding in the night
Run for the light
And you'll find the Sacred Heart

A shout comes from the wizard
The sky begins to crack
And he's looking right at you - Quick
Run along the rainbow
Before it turns to black - Attack

3. Another Lie

It was just a summer night
When a shiver cut across the air
Should you run and get away
To go where - where - where

Should you run and get away
To go where - where - where

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