
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyrikdrache

Das Wörterbuch des Lyrischen Drachen

Der Lyrische Drache kennt praktisch jedes Wort, das Ronnie James Dio gesungen hat.

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Die Suchergebnisse für "light" befinden sich unterhalb des Drachensees!

Die Suche nach "light" erbrachte 91 Strophen in 54 Titeln auf 20 Platten.
Der Drache suchte nach folgenden Kriterien: "light" als Schlüsselwörter

Es werden maximal 10 Titel pro Seite angezeigt.

Hier sind die passenden Strophen:

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

3. Hey Angel

Was the pain too strong to take it anymore
So you turned off all the lights and shut the door

10. Why Are They Watching Me

She was caught in the in-between
Her dirty would not come clean
She ran for light
But she just got darkness

Dio: Magica

3. Lord Of The Last Day

I love the night
So many shadows
Unholy light
Putting out the spark
Leave 'em in the dark - Forever

I love the night
so many shadows
Unholy light
Secrets of the heart
Leave 'em in the dark

5. Turn To Stone

Bring everybody down
Passing of the light
Giving up your spirit
To the night

7. Eriel

Look for a sign in the air
A light that dances in the sky
Maybe you'll see it somewhere
Shining like a diamond
Promising that hope will never die

I have been father and son
I cry for children of the night
Just because tears have begun
Beware of quiet voices
Thunder comes from silence - I am light

8. Challis

If it's a joke
I'll never laugh
Here's exactly how I see you in the light

10. Losing My Insanity

Someone said
You'll light up the universe
It's there in your head then
Crazy comes to all

13. Lord Of The Last Day - Reprise

I love the night
So many shadows
Unholy light
Secrets of the heart
Leave 'em in the dark

Dio: Master Of The Moon

2. Master Of The Moon

We can shake you make you over
We just need some time to
Shed some light upon your darkness
We need your mind

4. Shivers

Turn out the lights, it won't matter
A bucket of blood and I'm fine
A black cat's only a color
But you can do it every time

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