
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyric Dragon

Lyric Dragon Vocabulary

The Lyric Dragon knows practically every word sung by Ronnie James Dio.

Showing all 2649 words known to the dragon would result in desastrous load times.Please select the starting letter from the following list:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z 

The search results for "bit" can be found below the dragon's lake!

The search for "bit" delivered 2 verses in 2 songs on 2 records.
The dragon searched for the following: "bit" as keywords

Here are the matching verses:

Black Sabbath: Mob Rules

6. Country Girl

We sailed away on a crimson tide, gone forever
Left my heart on the other side, all to break it into bits
Her smile was a winter song, a sabbath ending
Don't sleep or you'll find me gone, just an image in the air

Elf: Carolina County Ball

5. Annie New Orleans

Aggravatin' Annie you're getting on my fanny
And I just can't cope any more
When it gets down to fundamentals
You're a bit confusing

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