
PIXEL150.gif (51 Byte) Lyrikdrache

Das Wörterbuch des Lyrischen Drachen

Der Lyrische Drache kennt praktisch jedes Wort, das Ronnie James Dio gesungen hat.

Alle 2649 dem Drachen bekannten Wörter anzuzeigenwürde eine entsetzliche Antwortzeit bedeuten.Hier gibt es Wortlisten für alle Wörter, die mit einem der folgenden Buchstaben beginnen:

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Die Suchergebnisse für "getting" befinden sich unterhalb des Drachensees!

Die Suche nach "getting" erbrachte 16 Strophen in 15 Titeln auf 10 Platten.
Der Drache suchte nach folgenden Kriterien: "getting" als Schlüsselwörter

Es werden maximal 10 Titel pro Seite angezeigt.

Hier sind die passenden Strophen:

Dio: Angry Machines

8. Golden Rules

Here's the situation
The rest are gettin' pretty
You're melting in the city

Dio: Killing The Dragon

8. Throw Away Children

Don't answer eyes that smile
Don't let them in
They see the lonely child
She feels their sin
But it's getting so much colder
And she's afraid

Dio: Lock Up The Wolves

6. Lock Up The Wolves

Now if you turn your back on the children
Don't you feel it getting colder
In your corner of the world

Dio: Sacred Heart

1. The King Of Rock And Roll

Bad boy - Always on the cover
Gettin' the story told
Fast Fast - One way or another
Cause he'll never never never never never get old

3. Another Lie

Why it's crazy
When you feel you're getting stronger
Why it's crazy
All the lies are getting longer

5. Hungry For Heaven

You're emotion
Running cold running warm
The young just getting older

Elf: Carolina County Ball

2. L.A. 59

It's thinking of you
That's getting me back on the road again
Hey big train you're eating up the ground

5. Annie New Orleans

Aggravatin' Annie you're getting on my fanny
And I just can't cope any more
When it gets down to fundamentals
You're a bit confusing

6. Rocking Chair Rock 'N' Roll Blues

Hey, all right
Mama told me so son you're getting slow
Find a girl to make your own
Women treat you bad everyone you had
Your legs are long but you ain't grown
No no back off Mama I'm just learning, and how
Got to help me light the fuse
I got the rocking chair rock 'n' roll blues

Elf: Elf

Love Me Like A Woman

I'm getting ready
Getting ready
Getting ready
I'm ready

Won't you love me like a woman?
Be my little woman
Love me like love
A woman, a big woman
Cause I'm getting shaky
So shaky
I'm getting shaky
See me shaking

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