On July 20th, 1999, the "MIND OVER MATTER FESTIVAL 99" was held in Oberwart, Burgenland (approx. 100 km from Vienna). The event spanned 3 days, 46 bands appeared on two stages. For us, only the last event on the main stage was of real importance, because FINALLY we saw: RONNIE JAMES DIO LIVE!!
It really was an exciting experience! No overcrowded mass event, no -- a festival held in typically Austrian cosy atmosphere: place enough for all, beer enough for all, Bratwurst enough for all (or Wiener Schnitzel for the more hungry) - and time enough for us to buy some DIO T-shirts before the show. Properly dressed by now, we blended perfectly with the lively picture presented by the festival visitors - nearly everyone used his/her outfit for a - usually musical - statement. During the sound check, we fought our way to the front row -
not exactly in the middle, but nearly - not too bad :-)